Australasian Doctors' Health Conference
27 - 29 November 2025
We are excited to announce the 2025 Australasian Doctors' Health Conference is taking place from the 27 - 29 November in Melbourne!
The theme of the conference is Promoting Great Medical Culture - People, Peers and Places!
Over 250 doctors, medical leaders and researchers will attend to support the mission of improving the health of the medical profession for the good of the community.
This is an interactive and optimistic conference that will focus on solutions. We will optimise opportunities for speakers to be widely heard and delegates to meet and network with as many other delegates as possible in new and interactive ways.
An array of engaging Pre-Conference Workshops is planned in Melbourne’s brand new sustainable hotel. 1 Hotel. The 2.5-day conference will offer plenty of space to meet and interact with other delegates.
Our aim is to offer a conference where everyone can co-design solutions and broaden their contacts, professional connections and future partnerships.
We hope you will join us at this important conference and very much look forward to welcoming you to Melbourne in November 2025.
Watch this space - conference website coming soon.
2022 Australasian Doctors' Health Conferences
Australasian Doctors’ Health Conference 2022 – Adelaide – Recordings of Sessions
Missed out on attending the Conference or want to re-live all the great sessions? All session recordings are now available to watch!
Please note that some doctors did not wish for their presentations to be publicly recorded, this is noted on the videos where this occurs. Some technical issues occurred on the day of recordings and this is noted in the recordings.