Event date: September 15th, 2024

Our CPD-accredited AMA Queensland International Annual Conference has a long and proud history of bringing doctors together to discuss key issues facing the profession while immersed in unique tourism destinations. We are thrilled to hold our 2024 international event in Athens, Greece, with support from our corporate partner Orbit World Travel.

Athens, the historical capital of Europe, is located in Central Greece on the Attica Peninsula. The Greater Athens area features the longest coastline of any European capital, offering several beaches just 20 minutes from the historic centre.  

With a recorded history dating back around 3,400 years, it is known as the birthplace of democracy, arts, science and philosophy of the western civilisation. Even today we reflect on the teaching of such Athenian greats as Plato and Socrates and Aristotle who also studied there. 

The Mediterranean climate means September is still relatively warm, with an average temperature of 19-29°C with little or no rain. September also falls outside the peak tourist season of May – August and before the season ends in mid-October, meaning it is the ideal time to visit. 

Athens is a gateway to so many pre or post conference travel extensions, with more than 6,000 islands and islets scattered in the nearby Greek Seas, not many of these uninhabited. The Cycladic Islands are some of the most famous, Mykonos and Santorini just to name two! Also on the historical doorstep of Greece is Türkiye, steeped in its own cultural and natural beauties.  

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